To address the customization issue and why you can't (and shouldn't) be able to give them to other players...
The current armor sets do not have any min requirements to wear. If you're able to get to the place to buy it, and can afford it, you probably need it. A level 4 character doesn't need armor bought at Droknar's Forge. While I do understand that it's becoming more and more common to see level 6 characters at Droknar's that have bypassed the ascension missions, by and large, the INTENT is to allow players to wear whatever armor they want, as long as they can afford it.
But, let's say some wealthy guild decides to give 15K armor to every new character? One guy goes up to one of the spots where you can buy it, crafts the items, and gives it to his new character.
Suddely, the entire game balance is hosed. Instead of facing a rare twinked character in the game lvl 10 arenas, it would become the norm.
To allow your customized armor to be worn/traded, it would require a major shift in how the game is designed.
So, consider game balance before complaining about a feature that is working as intended. The game has been out only a short time - don't you think that 6 months down the road, you'll be swimming in cash, and will have all of your character slots filled with characters wearing customized 15K armor?
I think it's going to be a race - a race between A-Net bringing out an expansion, and players becoming so fabulously wealthy and nothing to spend their money on. and no more quests or items to farm.
We've already seen a very capitalistic economy already, with a huge gulf between the rich and the poor. It's not going to get better.